Category Archives: Ask Brandon

My sister’s such a KNOW-IT-All

Dear Brandon, Ugh! My sister is the BIGGEST know-it-all and it’s the most ANNOYING thing in the world!!! She’s only ONE year older than me and she acts like she’s my second mom!!! I’m starting middle school next year and she’s acting like some kind of middle school expert, telling me all the things I […] Read more

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Dear Brandon, GET. ME. OUTTA. HERE! My parents are literally driving me KA-RAY-ZEE!! We argue over EVERYTHING, including school, what to have for lunch, and how my new room should look. I’m upset and angry all the time, but I have to keep it to myself and pretend to be happy. I sometimes have to […] Read more

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The Summer Dork Maker Is Here!

Hey Everyone, Summer has finally arrived! The sun is out, the birds are singing, and the Summer Dork Maker is here! Instead of my regular post today, I want you to go have some fun with our Summer Dork Maker at the link below. Also, please tell me what you think of the Dork Maker […] Read more

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I miss my friends!

What’s Up Brandon, I’ve been cooped up at home FOREVER, and I really miss my friends! But, my parents say it’s not safe to hang out with them yet because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Please help me before I go KA-RAY-ZEE! ☹!! Chaotic Covid Crazies Hey Chaotic Covid Crazies, Okay. Before I say anything else, […] Read more

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Hi Brandon, Can you give a girl advice? My best friends have a crush…on the same guy! They both want me to keep it a secret, and I’ve been going CRAZY trying to hide it from them; they don’t know that they’re actually competing with each other! And the guy they’re crushing on isn’t even […] Read more

Posted in Ask Brandon, best friend, secret | Comments Off on HOW DO I KEEP A REALLY BIG SECRET?!?!


Dear Brandon, Whenever something upsetting happens—even little things—I cry! I cry when someone hurts my feelings, I’m embarrassed, or even when I’m mad! People make fun of me at school, and my parents yell at me when I cry about little things. I’m the oldest of four siblings, but I’m still the one who cries […] Read more

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Hey Brandon, I have a HUGE problem. I feel like I have a different crush every week. Sometimes every day! It’s like I’m ADDICTED TO CRUSHING!! First it was this boy named Connor. Then it was James. Then Liam. It’s never the same! My BFFs have the same long-term crushes and I wish I were […] Read more

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Hi Brandon, I need your help! I’ve had a crush on the same boy like FOREVER. But I just found out that he’s crushing on somebody else! Should I stop crushing on him? HOW?! Catastrophic Crush-tastrophe Hey Catastrophic Crush-tastrophe, I’m so sorry this is happening to you. It’s a major bummer. When you have a […] Read more

Posted in Ask Brandon, crush | Comments Off on MY CRUSH LIKES SOMEONE ELSE! ☹️


Hi Brandon, I have a REALLY big problem. I’m a guy and have FIVE girls that live with me! My mom, my grandma, and my three sisters!!! To be honest dude, I know WAY too much about Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift. And Dork Diaries! I’m writing to you on this website because my sisters […] Read more

Posted in Ask Brandon, family | Comments Off on TOO MANY GIRLS!!!


Hi Brandon, I have a REALLY big problem. I’m a guy and have FIVE girls that live with me! My mom, my grandma, and my three sisters!!! To be honest dude, I know WAY too much about Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift. And Dork Diaries! I’m writing to you on this website because my sisters […] Read more

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