March 17, 2025


What’s up, lucky charms! 💚✨

It’s that MAGICAL time of year again when we all have the perfect excuse to wear an OBNOXIOUS amount of GREEN! On Monday, March 17th, we eat way too many shamrock-shaped snacks, and totally random people suddenly think it’s cool to PINCH you if you forget to wear green. Seriously, like WHO made up that stupid rule, and WHY is it STILL a thing?! 

To be honest, we look forward to seeing who will wear the coolest outfit, who will totally forget to wear green, and who will get pinched the most times this year. Personally, we’re HOPING it’s MacKenzie Hollister!! Just Kidding 🙂. NOT!! ☹!!  She ALWAYS shows up to school wearing a ton of green, gold, and glitter! Plus, she’ll be wearing at least five layers of her brand-new St. Patrick’s Day Emerald Envy, Rainbow Rush, Shamrock Shimmer, Lucky Lip Gloss!! And, as she sashays down the hall, she’ll make a public service announcement: 

“Yes, people, I have arrived! I am the epitome of St. Paddy’s Day Perfection! Check out my dewy Celtic glow, and I’m NOT even Irish! Now, bow down before my green, glam, shamrock-glittered greatness, you wanna be PRETENDERS! Toodles!”

Then she’ll sashay AWAY!  We just HATE it when that girl sashays! 

Have YOU decided which epic St. Paddy’s Day outfit you’re going to wear?!  What’s YOUR go-to fashion vibe? Will YOU be the most stylish leprechaun at YOUR school this year?  Or are you just there for the shamrock shakes, green cupcakes, and to pinch unsuspecting classmates caught not wearing green?

✨ If you want to know which St. Patrick’s Day OUTFIT matches YOUR personality, take our FUN QUIZ to find out! ✨

Then, shamROCK your MAGICAL St. Paddy’s Day style!! ✨🍀🌈

Click on image to view Quiz
March 8, 2025

Bratty Brianna Strikes Again!

Today my mom took Brianna and I grocery shopping. Of course, Brianna was on her best behavior mainly because she wanted to get a box of Princess Sugar Plum cereal you know the crunchy rainbow-colored box of sugar mixed with chemically engineered marshmallows that looks like tiny pieces of colored chalk. Seriously, I honestly think that cereal is designed to turn your kid into a hyperactive goblin after just one bite. They even have the nerve to throw in a free Baby Unicorn squishy toy to distract you from the nasty taste of the cereal!

Anyway, I knew my day would be totally ruined the moment Mom said . . .  

“Nikki, sweetheart, watch Brianna for me while I grab something from the next aisle over!” 

That’s Mom-speak for Sorry dear, but you’re about to be publicly humiliated by your uncontrollable bratty little sister. 

The moment Mom turned her back, Brianna took off running in the opposite direction.  How can a 3-foot something pigtailed little gremlin literally vanish at the blink of an eye. POOF! GONE! One second, she was right beside me, and the next, she had disappeared into thin air. 

“Brianna! Where are you?!” I whisper shouted. 

Hoping my mom wouldn’t realize that I’ve lost my sister, I quickly searched aisle after aisle looking for Brianna. She was nowhere to be found. Then I remembered that she had begged mom to get her a box of Princess Sugar Plum cereal so ran towards the breakfast food aisle. The moment I turned the corner I could see Brianna balancing on her tippy toes trying to reach the top shelf of a nearly empty Princess Sugar Plum cereal display. She was teetering back and forth. 

“OMG! Brianna! Get down!” I screamed.

She ignored me, like she always does. She was too busy trying to grab a box of cereal. Maybe she was trying to be one of those characters in a spy movie balancing on random items strategically placed together to create a giant ladder. Nope! Not Bratty Brianna! She haphazardly stacked a bunch of canned foods, diapers, cans of fruit punch, and anything else she could find to make her crazy ladder. She was teetering back and forth trying to keep her balance like a circus clown on a tight rope. 

“Oh-Nooooooo! I shrieked. 

I caught Brianna just as she came tumbling down!

“Thanks for your help, Nikki! You’re my favorite sister!” Brianna said with a smile as she held up her Princess Sugar Plum cereal box like she had won a gold medal in the Olympics.

“I’m your ONLY sister.” I replied.

“But you’re still my FAVORITE.” Brianna giggled.

Brianna was safe, she had her favorite cereal, and I found my missing sister. I should’ve known we weren’t making it out of the grocery store without some major drama. Not with my Bratty Little sister, Brianna around!  

Which breakfast food do you prefer: Cereal or Toast?

February 12, 2025

Valentine’s Day

What are YOUR plans for Valentine’s Day?  At first, I was super stressed until my BFFs, Chloe and Zoey, reminded me that Valentine’s Day is all about having FUN, sharing KINDNESS and celebrating FRIENDSHIPS. 

Check out these fun games to keep you smiling this holiday! Emoji SQUEEE!! I have the best BFFs EVER!! 😍

January 1, 2025

My PERFECT Holiday!!!

Hi everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and/or holiday celebration! 

Mine was PERFECT!  Not only did I spend quality time with my family, but Brandon stopped by on Christmas Day to drop off a gift for me!  SQUEEEEEE 😀!!  

At first, I was a little embarrassed because I was actually wearing a wacky, UGLY Christmas sweater!  But Brandon said he thought I was SUPER CUTE!  But then he suddenly blushed and said, “I mean your um…SWEATER is…very, um…super cute!  It reminds me of Christmas tree decorations!”  

So, I said thank you, and I told him I really liked his blue plaid shirt.  Then, we just stared at each other again and blushed and smiled insanely!  

We spent the next two hours talking, laughing, listening to our fav holiday tunes (like “All I Want For Christmas is You”), and playing fun games online. We had a BLAST just hanging out!  I wish all of YOU could have been there with us 😀!

Hey!  I just had a very COOL idea!  Would YOU like to play two of our FAV holiday games?  If so, just click on the links below.  ENJOY 😀!!    

Click to play
Click to play
November 28, 2024



Hi, everyone! I hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving :-). My friends and I volunteered for a very special project at school. We agreed to buy, cook, and deliver a Thanksgiving turkey to our local community center that was serving FREE dinners to individuals and families in our city. Very COOL?! Right :-)!

Besides…like, how DIFFICULT could cooking a turkey be?! Seriously!

So, I recruited my BFFs Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon. And, surprisingly, MacKenzie Hollister INSISTED on helping out! I was VERY sure she just wanted to hang out with Brandon and shamelessly FLIRT with him while WE did all of the work!

But, in the spirit of the holiday and the sharing of bountiful blessings, I FINALLY agreed. Especially after MacKenzie volunteered to personally pay for the 30-pound turkey and all of our cooking supplies. OMG! Do you have ANY idea what the price of groceries is these days?!

Anyway, we all agreed to meet at my house at 8:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning to cook the turkey and deliver it by noon. Then, we’d have the rest of the day to celebrate and eat Thanksgiving dinner with our families. It was the PERFECT plan!

Of course, just as I expected, MacKenzie was NO HELP whatsoever! Whenever we asked her to help out with cooking, she just gave us the same LAME excuse!…

I was like, “Girlfriend, you KNEW we were COOKING! So, WHY didn’t you BRING your CHEF!” But I just said that in my head, so nobody heard it but me!

Brandon, on the other hand, helped us cook AND took photos. He said he might use them in an article for our school newspaper about the event. That’s when MacKenzie pulled out her mirror and slathered on seven layers of “Too-Cute-To-Cook” bubblegum pink lip gloss. But she still refused to actually touch any food.

It was totally disgusting watching MacKenzie brainwash my little sister, Brianna. MacKenzie actually lied about being BFFs with Princess Sugar Plum. Of course, Brianna totally lost it and BEGGED MacKenzie to take her to Baby Unicorn Island to MEET her FAV princess! Brandon actually videotaped the entire thing…

While I was putting the turkey in the oven, and MacKenzie was shamelessly flirting with Brandon, Chloe, and Zoey did the CUTEST craft project with Brianna. They made placemats with colorful handprint turkeys on them for the guests attending Thanksgiving dinner at the community center…

While the turkey was cooking in the oven, everyone pitched in to make placemats and the most adorable turkey headbands as gifts for the children.

Several hours had passed, and we were finally finishing up our craft projects when I noticed a strange smell. I rushed to the kitchen to check on the turkey with Brandon trailing close behind me. When I opened the oven, I couldn’t believe my eyes…

OMG! My poor turkey was in TERRIBLE shape! I didn’t know whether to CRY or call 911 for an ambulance to rush it to the emergency room for first-degree BURNS! And Brandon was just as UPSET as I was! He helped me pull it from the oven and set it on the counter to cool off. Then, we tried to figure out what went wrong and checked the temperature setting.

JUST GREAT! I discovered that I had accidentally set the oven to BROIL instead of BAKE :-(!



Of course, MacKenzie took complete advantage of the situation! She insisted that we all take a silly selfie together so she’d “have a cherished photo as a memento of our time spent working on this very noble community service project.” But, while we were taking the pic, she actually zoomed in on my poor turkey and sneered…

Of course, I was upset because I had PROMISED to provide a TURKEY to help feed people in our community. But so had about 30 other people. So, I wasn’t really worried about there NOT being enough turkeys. I just wanted to be a mature and responsible young adult and keep my word on a commitment I had made.

“Well, I guess we don’t have a t-turkey anymore!” I sniffed and blinked back my tears. “And it’s all MY fault! I’m REALLY sorry!” I stammered.

“Nikki, it was an accident. Please don’t beat yourself up,” Brandon sighed.

“Hey, you tried your very best to help out!” Chloe said.

“That’s right!” Zoey agreed. “And I’m sure everyone will appreciate the placemats and kiddie headbands we made!”

“But, we need a TURKEY for all of the nice people!” Brianna sniffed. “Nikki, you PROMISED! Somebody needs to fix this!” Upset, she stomped out of the room, and Daisy bounded after her.

“Well, this little project was a total DISASTER!” MacKenzie smirked, rolling her eyes. “NOW you know why I refuse to COOK unless I have my personal CHEF!”

I was gathering up the placemats and headbands for Brandon to drop off when Brianna happily skipped into the kitchen with Daisy on a leash. They both took a seat at the table. It was quite obvious my bratty little sister was up to something because she had a HUGE grin on her face.

Suddenly, we noticed DAISY! And, OMG! We couldn’t BELIEVE our eyes!…

Brianna had dressed Daisy in her TURKEY costume from HALLOWEEN! And she looked absolutely ADORABLE!

So, instead of sharing a baked turkey as planned, we shared a very special, furry turkey with four legs and a tail. And she BARKED!

Everyone at the community center LOVED “Daisy the Turkey,” and she got HUGS and SNUGGLES from ALL the dinner guests!

I also gave Brianna a huge HUG and thanked her for SAVING our Thanksgiving project.

I have to admit, she’s actually PRETTY COOL to be my BRATTY little sister!

I sincerely hope YOUR Thanksgiving was as WONDERFUL as MINE :-)!

Love Your BFF,



Hey, Dork Diaries Superfans! Want to make your Thanksgiving a little more fun and unforgettable? If so, check out my new timed matching game I made especially for you.

Get ready for an extra fun Thanksgiving celebration with this Thanksgiving Themed Matching Game! But be quick—time is ticking since you only have 90 seconds to match all of the pairs. Good luck and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Hey there, fabulous foodies! 🦃 🍽 It’s Thanksgiving and we know how much you love dishing out fun — not just on the table, but with your friends, too! Want to know which iconic Thanksgiving dish totally matches your personality? Take our fun quiz to find out! Will you be the sweet and spiced Pumpkin Pie, the classic and dependable Mashed Potatoes or something else? 

So, grab your fav dessert, kick back and relax, and get ready to answer some questions about all things Thanksgiving—DORK DIARIES style! Take our quiz to find out which Thanksgiving dish totally matches your vibe! 

Let’s get started!

October 14, 2024


I can’t believe my new Dork Diaries Book 16 will be released on Tuesday, October 15th!   It’s now just HOURS away.  SQUEEEEE 😀!

So, here is my final SNEAK PEEK…  

I was chillaxing in my room, listening to my fav tunes, when I received several FRANTIC text messages!

What would YOU do if this situation happened to you?!

Please post your thoughts in the comments section below.

And remember to order YOUR copy of Dork Diaries Book 16 😀

October 11, 2024

Dork Diaries Book 16: The Brat Tour

Meet Rachel and Nikki as they celebrate the release of their newest book:

Dork Diaries Book 16: Tales from a Not-So-Bratty Little Sister!

Snag cool swag, like Dork Diaries stickers, pencils, and bookmarks (while supplies last). Your favorite Dork Diaries and Max Crumbly books will be available for purchase. Don’t miss your chance to meet Rachel and Nikki and get your books autographed!

Tour Dates:

Orlando, FLORIDA

WHAT: Writer’s Block Bookstore Meet & Greet
WHEN: Friday, October 18th at 6 pm – 8 pm
WHERE: Writer’s Block Bookstore
316 N Park Avenue
Winter Park, FL 32789

Book Signing immediately following the Meet & Greet and Q&A


WHAT: Barnes & Noble Book Signing
WHEN: Sunday, October 20th at 2 pm – 4pm
WHERE: Barnes & Noble One Loudoun
20427 Exchange Street Ashburn, VA 20147

Book Signing immediately following the Meet & Greet and Q&A


WHAT: Montgomery County Book Event
WHEN: Saturday, November 2nd at 2 pm – 4pm
WHERE:  Gaithersburg Library
18330 Montgomery Village Ave.
Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Book Signing immediately following the presentation


WHAT: Morristown Festival of Books
WHEN: Saturday, October 19th at 2 pm – 4pm
WHERE: The Presbyterian Church Parish House
65 South Street 
Morristown, NJ 07960

Book Signing immediately following the presentation


WHAT: Book Event and Meet & Greet
WHEN: Saturday, October 26th at 11 am – 1pm
WHERE: Port Discovery Children’s Museum
35 Market Place
Baltimore, MD 21202

Book Signing immediately following the Meet & Greet and Q&A


WHAT: Miami Book Festival
WHEN: Saturday, November 23rd (Time: TBD)
WHERE:Wolfson Campus of Miami Dade College
300 NE 2nd Avenue, Room 1216
Miami, FL 33132

Book Signing immediately following the presentation


October 8, 2024


School is starting soon, and I’m already stressed out!  It doesn’t help matters that Chloe and Zoey are already hanging out with people from our new school. 

I was starting to feel a little down until I got an unexpected visitor.  Can you guess who it was?!  SQUEEEE 😀!   

After you’ve read the Book 16 excerpt, please answer my… 


“What are your friendships like this year at school compared to last year?”    

Same friends or different friends?  Are classmates friendlier or not as friendly?  Do you have the same BFF or a new BFF?   

Please post your comments below!