Category Archives: hobbies
I’m Not Into The Same Afterschool Activities As My Friends!
Dear Nikki, All my friends go to afterschool activities like dance, gymnastics and soccer. I’m not really into that kind of stuff since I’m not very athletic. Lately, it’s all they ever do or talk about, and I’m starting to feel left out. I sometimes even wonder if I should pretend to like those activities […] Read more
I’m too Busy!! Help!!
Hi Brandon! I’m so busy I’m about to go nuts. I have hockey, karate, guitar lessons, soccer, and swimming. My parents are proud of my accomplishments and I really enjoy all of my activities, but lately I’m about to lose it. What can I do to keep my sanity! Tired of Being Tired Teen Dear Tired of […] Read more
My Friends Think I’m Boring!!
Hey Brandon, I love art, reading books, and writing stories. However, whenever I tell people what my hobbies are, they call me boring or say that I’m wasting my life because there are better things to spend money on than art supplies and books. Other people say that I should do a sport instead. I’m tired of people […] Read more