Quirky Question Of The Month

Hey everybody! I hope your New Year is off to an awesome start. I know mine is!
So, I was thinking that since it’s a new year, why not kick it off with an all new QUIRKY QUESTION? This one’s REALLY good, too!
Okay, here it is: Which three songs could you listen to one hundred times and NEVER get tired of hearing them?
Want to know what my answers are? My three favorites are listed below with links to videos:
1) Just Sing from the Trolls World Tour movie because I just love the cute animation and the happy, upbeat vibe!
2) Popular Song by MIKA and Ariana Grande, because I’m totally feelin’ the lyrics to that song right now. Real popularity comes from being true to yourself and mean CCPs better watch out since they won’t run the world forever!
3) DYNAMITE, by BTS because this song makes me feel energized and inspired to take on the world!
Okay, now it’s YOUR TURN! Please feel free to leave your answers regarding your three fav songs and why you love each in the comments below.