Quirky Question of the Month

Hey everyone, who’s up for another QUIRKY QUESTION OF THE MONTH? And, since Thanksgiving is only just a few days away, the topic is spot on for the occasion! Like, how turkey-rific is that?! (I came up with that one myself. Pretty cool, huh?)
Okay, so enough with my corny turkey puns, and let’s get on to the quirky question guys! Here it is:
Which Dork Diaries character would you invite to your Thanksgiving dinner and why? Would it be Chloe, Zoey, Brandon (SQUEEEE !!), MacKenzie (UUUUGGHH
!!), or yours truly (ME, Nikki
!!)? It could also be a character from my diary that I didn’t mention here. Please also tell us what you’ll be serving your special guest for Thanksgiving dinner, including yummy desserts!
Feel free to post your answers in the comments section below! And don’t worry…I won’t be mad if you choose someone else besides me. 😉