I Had A Really Great Christmas!

Hi everyone! I hope you and your family had a Happy Holiday!
My family celebrated Christmas and it was a lot of fun. Of course, it was super-exciting opening all of our presents.
I was anxious to open a big gift from my Mom! Was it a laptop? More art supplies? New snow boots?
But, I didn’t dare get too excited, especially after Mom gave Brianna and me matching Princess Sugar Plum dresses as an early gift last week.
And, I was RIGHT! Not about the gift being a laptop, art supplies, or snow boots. The part about me NOT getting TOO EXCITED about a GIFT from my MOM.
WHY?! Because my Mom had knitted our entire family these weird-looking SNOWMEN SWEATERS! Did I mention that they were MATCHING snowman sweaters?!
It had a HUGE puffy snowman on the front with a string of rainbow-colored, plastic ornaments trimming the collar.
I just stared at it and said…

I thought about sending my sweater off to Guinness World Records as an entry for the UGLIEST SWEATER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!
Of course, my Mom insisted that we all wear our sweaters for Christmas dinner. But, that wasn’t even the SCARIEST part.
Mom wanted a family photo of us wearing our matching sweaters so she could send it to our 300 closest relatives! YIKES !!
Dad set up his camera, and we gathered in front of our Christmas tree. Then, he set the timer and quickly took his place next to Mom.
“Okay! Everyone say ‘CHEESE!’ ” Dad said.
However, right before the flash went off, Brianna must have decided she wanted a little snack or something.
Because suddenly she turned and yanked really hard at a candy cane hooked on a tree branch.
OMG! I couldn’t believe the ENTIRE CHRISTMAS TREE FELL OVER!!!
It was totally a Maxwell family moment! I laughed so hard my ribs hurt!
I have to admit, this family photo is now my FAVORITE!!…

I just had a KA-RAY-ZEE idea!
I think my Mom should put this WACKY PHOTO on our Christmas sweater for NEXT YEAR!
Now, THAT would be the BEST present EVER !!
And, speaking of WACKY holiday presents, like sweaters, apparently, other kids have the same problem that I do.
Here is a link to a really funny rap video called, “I Want A Puppy For Hanukkah.” It will make you laugh!…