Today is the perfect day to give your friends and BFFs a sweet treat and a heartfelt card for Valentine’s Day! Celebrating friendships is especially exciting on Valentine’s Day because of the fun surprises and wonderful things you can do to acknowledge one another. Today I plan to celebrate ALL of the special people in my life including my friends, my family and my crush, Brandon.
Are you crushing on someone? Do you wonder what your future holds with that “special” person you’ve been daydreaming about? If so, check out Chloe’s Relationship Calculator!
All you need to do is enter the first name for YOU and your special FRIEND.
Then hit the calculate button and like magic, Chloe The Crushologist will predict your relationship! No one sees the SECRET results but you! How cool is that?! I was having so much fun playing with this game that I decided to give it a try using my special friend!
I just entered Brandon’s name along with mine and my results were …. You Will Be ….
Of course, I had to tell my BFFs the wonderful news and how Chloe accurately predicted my relationship with Brandon! Now everyone at my school is using the Relationship Calculator and sharing their results! I even heard that MacKenzie tried it using Brandon’s name and was shocked by Chloe’s prediction! I can’t wait to add in the names of my friends and their crushes to see the results. OMG! This is going to be so much FUN!
How are you going to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your friends? Did Chloe accurately predict your relationship?