Exciting Update On Our Advice Column!

Hi everyone!
It’s Nikki here, and I have an exciting update on our Advice Column!
As you have probably noticed, we’re in the process of redesigning the Dork Diaries website and making a lot of changes. We’re also adding new material and updating our older columns.
Soon, we’ll be bringing back our advice column in a brand new, fun, and exciting format. But, I REALLY need YOUR help to do this!
I would like to know the topics you’re most interested in reading about here in our Advice Column.
Here is a list of the 10 most popular advice topics on our Dork Diaries website:
- Crush Crisis
- Friendships
- Am I Normal?!
- Mean Girls
- Secrets
- Gossip
- Popularity
- Parties
- Cell Phones
- Siblings
The best way to gather the information for our Advice Column is for all of YOU Dork Diaries SUPERFANS to complete my Opinion Poll!
Each of the 10 topics above will contain the TWO most popular questions that we’ve received on our Ask Nikki and Ask Brandon columns over the years.
Please vote for your most burning question for each of the 10 topics shown in the list above. This means you will get to vote for your 10 FAV advice questions.
I will consider the questions YOU selected when we relaunch our advice column in the near future.
You can participate in the poll by clicking on the link below. After you select your 10 questions, remember to click on the pink VOTE button at the bottom of the page to see the results of the poll so far.
Thank you for participating in our Advice Column Poll. Do you have any ideas, suggestions, or requests for our NEW Advice Column? If so, please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Is there a question or topic that YOU are DYING to get advice on that was NOT mentioned in our poll? Just let me know!