October 18, 2021

Halloween Haunted House – Horrifying Hallway

My BFFs, Chloe and Zoey, and I had to walk creep down this horrifying, haunted hallway in order to get to the next room. I had this spine-chilling feeling that we were being watched by someone or something, but I couldn’t tell who or what it was. 

The eerie moans and groans echoing in the hallway were so terrifying my BFFs and I huddled together in fear.  I could barely see it was SO dark!!

All of the sudden, I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

“Chloe?” I whispered, “Why are you tapping my shoulder?!”

“But, Nikki!” she stammered, “I’m NOT tapping YOUR shoulder!!”

“Oh, then it must be Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Zoey,” I stuttered!

“Nikki!” Zoey whimpered, “I have some bad news. It’s not me!” 

“So, if it’s not Cl-cl-cl-Chloe and it’s not Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Zoey, THEN WHO IS IT??!! I screamed!!!”

Who or what was tapping Nikki’s shoulder? Tell us what you think happened next? 


Which Halloween Candy Are you?


Halloween Haunted House – Horrifying Hallway

My BFFs, Chloe and Zoey, and I had to walk creep down this horrifying, haunted hallway in order to get to the next room. I had this spine-chilling feeling that we were being watched by someone or something, but I couldn’t tell who or what it was. 

The eerie moans and groans echoing in the hallway were so terrifying my BFFs and I huddled together in fear.  I could barely see it was SO dark!!

All of the sudden, I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

“Chloe?” I whispered, “Why are you tapping my shoulder?!”

“But, Nikki!” she stammered, “I’m NOT tapping YOUR shoulder!!”

“Oh, then it must be Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Zoey,” I stuttered!

“Nikki!” Zoey whimpered, “I have some bad news. It’s not me!” 

“So, if it’s not Cl-cl-cl-Chloe and it’s not Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Zoey, THEN WHO IS IT??!! I screamed!!!”

Who or what was tapping Nikki’s shoulder? Tell us what you think happened next? 


Which Halloween Candy Are you?